Finding New Paths

A Tanka poem exploring the journeys we take in our inner landscapes. Searching inside ourselves during good times and tough times.


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What the Heck Is This Relationship About?

A relationship without trust is like a car without gas, you can stay in it all you want, but it won’t go anywhere.-unknown

Oh, the complexity of your complicated relationship.

You know in the depths of your heart it isn’t quite ideal.

You know something is amiss; you have always known.

Yes, your friends listen endlessly, but they can’t cure a hopeless romantic.

That needs another type of therapy.

If Facebook asked you for your relationship status, you would say, It’s complicated!

No, you don’t have the courage and resilience to untangle yourself.

Sometimes you want to address the elephant in the room.

Other times, you feel it might be better to let sleeping dogs lie!

A series of conversations; that’s all you need.

Who wants to bell the cat?

Who wants to play the fool?

You know there are trust and fidelity issues.

You either avoid the conversations, or they are always incomplete.

Your relationship is like a diseased patient that never completes treatment.

As soon as treatment begins and things seem better, you stop the treatment without completing it!

Soon again, you are back on admission!

You say; I won’t rock the boat, it’s life, let’s see how things go.

Things never go anywhere cos you haven’t made it happen.

The only thing going somewhere is all that time spent!

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